Web Links
Sanderson Associates, Group Websites
We have many different websites which go into much more detail as to what we do in all the different disciplines to which we specialise. Please click on the relevant links below to read further.
Sanderson Associates
Our main Company website, includes all about us, our history, what we do, you can request a fee proposal or a call back using our secure server or visit our recruitment section.
Sanderson Associates are part of the multidisciplinary Fairhurst Group LLP Engineering Consultancy, Fairhurst can extend support through planning, detailed design and construction with Geo/Environmental, Civil and Structural Engineering, Landscape Architecture and Planning support from its network of UK offices employing over 500 staff.
CDM Regulations
The Construction (Design and Management) Regulations 2015 (CDM 2015) are important regulations in the construction industry within the UK that were introduced by the Health and Safety Executive's (HSE) Construction Division.
This website has been written to provide an insight into the CDM 2015 regulations.
Detailed Design
Highway Design Standards, Construction Drawings, Highway Agreements, Contract Documents, CDM Regulations, Road Safety Audits and all other areas of Highway Detailed Design Services provided by Sanderson Associates.
Drainage Design
Drainage Design, something the majority of people wouldn't even think about forming part of the planning and development process, the Design and Adoption of Drainage, Sustainable Urban Drainage Systems (SuDS), Drainage Impact Assessments and all the Drainage Design Services provided by Sanderson Associates.
Flood Risk Assessment
Find out if you are located in a Flood Risk Area, Flood Risk Assessments, Flood Consequence Assessments, Flood Modelling and Business Continuity services provided by Sanderson Associates.
Guidance on Transport Assessment
Transport Assessment, Transport Statement and Travel Plan, this website provides guidance on when these reports are required, it explains the content of each report and the services provided by Sanderson Associates.
Highway Engineer
Sanderson Associates are the proud sponsors of the website highwayengineer.co.uk
- What does a Highway Engineer do?
- Why do I need one?
- How do I become a Highway Engineer?
The answers to all these questions and many more are all available at this online resource.
Highway Expert Witness
Need assistance from a Highway Expert Witness regarding Highway Matters, Traffic Regulation Orders or a Stopping Up Order? This site details the Highway Expert Witness Services provided by Sanderson Associates.
Highway Public Inquiry
Need assistance at a Public Inquiry that involves Highway Matters, Traffic Regulation Orders or a Stopping Up Order and other Highway Expert Witness Services provided by Sanderson Associates.
Manual For Streets
In 2007 the Department for Transport published Manual for Streets, which provided guidance on the design, construction and maintenance of residential streets based on a detailed appraisal of operational factors and the findings of current empirical research. Read all about it here and the new Manual for Streets 2 - Wider Application of the Principles document published by the Chartered Institution of Highways and Transportation in September 2010.
Renewable Energy Planning
Renewable energy can be classified by many different processes, from wind turbines to waste processing, and recycling centres to anaerobic digestion plants.
This website describes how we carry out the assessment of, and mitigation of highway planning issues relating to renewable energy projects.
Road Safety Audit
What is a Road Safety Audit? When are they required? Find out at this website along with details of the Road Safety Audit Services provided by Sanderson Associates.
Scoping Study
What is a Transport Scoping Study? Find out when we use Scoping Studies and the benefits of doing so for our Clients.
Speed Survey
Speed surveys are carried out usually for the purpose of determining the level of vision required at the point of contact of two roads or access points or as part of the design process for a new road or junction. Sanderson Associates carry out Speed Surveys on many of the projects that we are currently appointed on. This website details further information about these services.
Street Lighting Design
On all improved highways or new highways including new car park layouts street lighting design is required. Sanderson Associates have a dedicated team of engineers who carry out street lighting design for our clients. This website explains a little bit more information about our street lighting design services.
Swept Path Analysis
What is a Vehicle Swept Path Analysis? Will the emergency service vehicles be able to access our proposed new development? This site describes why a Swept Path Analysis is important and how this process can save an awful lot of abortive design costs or even potential abortive building/rebuilding costs.
Traffic Signal Design
How do Traffic Signals Work? How are they designed? Read all about the process of designing, installing and commissioning Traffic Signals and all the Traffic Signal Design Services provided by Sanderson Associates.
Traffic and Transportation
Read all about the Traffic and Transportation Services Provided by Sanderson Associates.
Transport Assessment
What is a Transport Assessment? When do you need one, what's in the report and how is it compiled? Read all about this and the Transport Assessment Services provided by Sanderson Associates.
Transport Consultant
Read all about the Transport Consultancy Services provided by Sanderson Associates.
Transport Statement
What is a Transport Statement ? When do you need one, what's in the report and how is it compiled? Read all about this and the Transport Statement Services provided by Sanderson Associates.
Travel Plan
What is a Travel Plan, When will you need one? Read all about this and the Travel Plan, Travel Plan Framework and Travel Plan Coordinator Services provided by Sanderson Associates.
Travel Plan Coordinator
As part of any Travel Plan there is a need for a Travel Plan Coordinator whose role is to coordinate the Travel Plan from implementation through to completion, reviewing and preparing any action plans.
This website details the services as Travel Plan Coordinator that Sanderson Associates offers to its Clients.
Our Blog
Visit our Blog where you can read all about what has been, and is going on here at Sanderson House.
Need help at a Highway Public Inquiry?
Sanderson Associates have enjoyed over 37 years in business, our qualified engineers have represented our Clients at Public Inquiries covering a variety of cases throughout the UK, Isle of Man and Ireland.
We would be pleased to provide you with our competitive fee proposal to assist you with a Highway Public Inquiry, please call us on 01924 844080 or click here to complete our secure online form.